The forgotten child

As a company, we are aware of our contributions to the society in which we operate. We are proud that as a company Ultimate Gainz, we give our support to the charity "The Forgotten Child" by donating 3% of our gross profit.

Het Vergeten Kind is an organization that is committed to the well-being of vulnerable children in the Netherlands. These children often have to deal with situations in which they do not receive the care, attention and safety they need. This may be because they grow up in poverty, in an unsafe home situation or because they have fled their own country and no longer have parents or family to take care of them. Het Vergeten Kind organizes activities and events for these children to take them out of their daily circumstances and to give them the attention and care they deserve. The goal of the organization is to help these children to develop into independent, well-balanced adults.

We believe it is important as a company to contribute to society and to vulnerable groups such as these children. We are proud that through our donation we can contribute to the work of The Forgotten Child. Through our donation we can help to finance the activities and events of the organization and thus contribute to the well-being and development of these children.

Our donation is not only a financial contribution, but also a way to commit ourselves as a company and to create awareness about the problems of vulnerable children in the Netherlands. We hope that our support for The Forgotten Child will inspire others to also contribute to this important cause.

In short: as a company Ultimate Gainz we contribute to society by donating 3% of our gross profit to Het Vergeten Kind, an organization that works for vulnerable children in the Netherlands. We are proud to be able to contribute to the work of this organization and we hope that our donation will inspire others to also contribute to the well-being of these children.